Business::UPS - A UPS Interface Module

      use Business::UPS;

      my ($shipping,$ups_zone,$error) = getUPS(qw/GNDCOM 23606 23607 50/);
      $error and die "ERROR: $error\n";
      print "Shipping is \$$shipping\n";
      print "UPS Zone is $ups_zone\n";

      %track = UPStrack("z10192ixj29j39");
      $track{error} and die "ERROR: $track{error}";

      # 'Delivered' or 'In-transit'
      print "This package is $track{Current Status}\n";

    A way of sending four arguments to a module to get shipping charges that
    can be used in, say, a CGI.

    I've tried to keep this package to a minimum, so you'll need:

    *   Perl 5.003 or higher

    *   LWP::UserAgent Module

    Call the subroutine with the following values:

      1. Product code (see product-codes.txt)
      2. Origin Zip Code
      3. Destination Zip Code
      4. Weight of Package

    and optionally:

      5.  Country Code, (see country-codes.txt)
      6.  Rate Chart (drop-off, pick-up, etc - see below)
      6.  Length,
      7.  Width,
      8.  Height,
      9.  Oversized (defined if oversized), and
      10. COD (defined if C.O.D.)

    1   Product Codes:

          1DM           Next Day Air Early AM
          1DML          Next Day Air Early AM Letter
          1DA           Next Day Air
          1DAL          Next Day Air Letter
          1DP           Next Day Air Saver
          1DPL          Next Day Air Saver Letter
          2DM           2nd Day Air A.M.
          2DA           2nd Day Air
          2DML          2nd Day Air A.M. Letter
          2DAL          2nd Day Air Letter
          3DS           3 Day Select
          GNDCOM        Ground Commercial
          GNDRES        Ground Residential
          XPR           Worldwide Express
          XDM           Worldwide Express Plus
          XPRL          Worldwide Express Letter
          XDML          Worldwide Express Plus Letter
          XPD           Worldwide Expedited

        In an HTML "option" input it might look like this:

          <OPTION VALUE="1DM">Next Day Air Early AM
          <OPTION VALUE="1DML">Next Day Air Early AM Letter
          <OPTION SELECTED VALUE="1DA">Next Day Air
          <OPTION VALUE="1DAL">Next Day Air Letter
          <OPTION VALUE="1DP">Next Day Air Saver
          <OPTION VALUE="1DPL">Next Day Air Saver Letter
          <OPTION VALUE="2DM">2nd Day Air A.M.
          <OPTION VALUE="2DA">2nd Day Air
          <OPTION VALUE="2DML">2nd Day Air A.M. Letter
          <OPTION VALUE="2DAL">2nd Day Air Letter
          <OPTION VALUE="3DS">3 Day Select
          <OPTION VALUE="GNDCOM">Ground Commercial
          <OPTION VALUE="GNDRES">Ground Residential

    2   Origin Zip(tm) Code

        Origin Zip Code as a number or string (NOT +4 Format)

    3   Destination Zip(tm) Code

        Destination Zip Code as a number or string (NOT +4 Format)

    4   Weight

        Weight of the package in pounds

    5   Country

        Defaults to US

    6   Rate Chart

        How does the package get to UPS:

        Can be one of the following:

           Regular Daily Pickup
           On Call Air
           One Time Pickup
           Letter Center
           Customer Counter

ARGUMENTS for UPStrack()
    The tracking number.

      use Business::UPS;
      %t = UPStrack("1ZX29W290250xxxxxx");
      print "This package is $track{'Current Status'}\n";

                The raw LWP::UserAgent get returns a list with the following values:

                  ##  Desc              Typical Value
                  --  ---------------   -------------
                  0.  Name of server:   UPSOnLine3
                  1.  Product code:     GNDCOM
                  2.  Orig Postal:      23606
                  3.  Country:          US
                  4.  Dest Postal:      23607
                  5.  Country:          US
                  6.  Shipping Zone:    002
                  7.  Weight (lbs):     50
                  8.  Sub-total Cost:   7.75
                  9.  Addt'l Chrgs:     0.00
                  10. Total Cost:       7.75

        The hash that's returned is like the following:

          'Last Updated'        => 'Jun 10 2003 12:28 P.M.'
          'Shipped On'          => 'June 9, 2003'
          'Signed By'           => 'SIGNATURE'
          'Shipped To'          => 'LOS ANGELES,CA,US'
          'Scanning'            => HASH(0x146e0c) (more later...)
          'Activity Count'      => 5
          'Weight'              => '16.00 Lbs'
          'Current Status'      => 'Delivered'
          'Location'            => 'RESIDENTIAL'
          'Service Type'        => 'STANDARD'

        Notice the key 'Scanning' is a reference to a hash. (Which is a
        reference to another hash.)

        Scanning will contain a hash with keys 1 .. (Activity Count) Each of
        those values is another hash, holding a reference to an activity
        that's happened to an item. (See example for details)

          %hash{Scanning}{1}{'location'} = 'MESQUITE,TX,US';
          %hash{Scanning}{1}{'date'} = 'Jun 10, 2003';
          %hash{Scanning}{1}{'time'} = '12:55 A.M.';
          %hash{Scanning}{1}{'activity'} = 'ARRIVAL SCAN';
          %hash{Scanning}{2}{'location'} = 'MESQUITE,TX,US';
          %hash{Scanning}{x}{'activity'} = 'DELIVERED';

        NOTE: The items generally go in reverse chronological order.

        To retreive the shipping of a 'Ground Commercial' Package weighing
        25lbs. sent from 23001 to 24002 this package would be called like

          use Business::UPS;

          my ($shipping,$ups_zone,$error) = getUPS(qw/GNDCOM 23001 23002 25/);
          $error and die "ERROR: $error\n";
          print "Shipping is \$$shipping\n";
          print "UPS Zone is $ups_zone\n";


          use Business::UPS;

          %t = UPStrack("z10192ixj29j39");
          $t{error} and die "ERROR: $t{error}";
          print "This package is $t{'Current Status'}\n"; # 'Delivered' or 
                                                          # 'In-transit'
          print "More info:\n";
          foreach $key (keys %t) {
            print "KEY: $key = $t{$key}\n";

          %activities = %{$t{'Scanning'}};

          print "Package activity:\n";
          for (my $num = $t{'Activity Count'}; $num > 0; $num--)
                print "-- ITEM $num --\n";
                foreach $newkey (keys %{$activities{$num}})
                        print "$newkey: $activities{$num}{$newkey}\n";

    Probably lots. Contact me if you find them.

    Justin Wheeler <>

    This software was originally written by Mark Solomon
    <> (

    NOTE: UPS is a registered trademark of United Parcel Service. Due to UPS
    licensing, using this software is not be endorsed by UPS, and may not be
    allowed. Use at your own risk.
